That's why I want to share these five hotsheets for FREE with you right now to give you the exact hotspot dates of all the popular stocks out there…
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I’ve found that the number one reason traders fail is because they have no clue WHEN certain stocks typically rise and when they typically fall…

I’m talking about specific dates that your favorite tickers typically go up… and when they go down.

That's why I want to share these five hotsheets for FREE with you right now to give you the exact hotspot dates of all the popular stocks out there…

Taking into account all of the data… over the last TEN years!

Like the Target hotspot…

March 28th through April 8… It’s gone up every year for the last decade!

And just look at some of the options results…

In 2023…
91% Gain
In 2022…
128% Gain
50% Gain
You get the picture…

Of course, no strategy wins 100% of the time - there will be good days and bad days in trading and you should never invest more than you could afford to lose…

That said, this Hotsheet tells me exactly how each stock has performed on average each day of the year, over the last ten years…

Making it extremely easy to see the best days to buy… And the best days to sell

And if you click here I’m going to unlock the hotsheets for you to use… completely free.

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