Good morning, Marketer, we hope you have a relaxing Memorial Day planned.

The unofficial start of summer has us looking back at what has already been a hectic 2022. So we thought we’d use today’s newsletter as an opportunity to resurface some of the biggest stories we’ve published so far.

Get caught up and then enjoy your day off. 

Henry Powderly,
VP, Content

What is a CDP and how does it give marketers the coveted ‘single view’ of their customers?

Customer data platforms give marketers control over customer data collection, segmentation and orchestration through out-of-the-box integrations that rarely require IT or developer involvement.

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The 2022 martech landscape shows the space growing towards 10,000 solutions

Despite consolidation, the long tail of marketing tech apps means the sector continues to grow.

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Webinar: Benchmark Your Social Media Performance For a Competitive Edge

Benchmarking involves comparing your metrics and processes against the industry standards. Learn how you can get a clear idea of how you stack up against the competition.

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How marketers will use blockchain technology and NFTs in 2022 for identity, branding and engagement

And how will the metaverse impact these strategies?

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What is marketing operations and who are MOps professionals?

Learn what marketing operations is and why it's important.

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What a Salesforce NFT cloud service could mean for marketers

Marketers could gain more utility in their NFT efforts if it hooked into their CRM or CDP.

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Google to end Universal Analytics in 2023

Users will have to adopt Google Analytics 4 which doesn't rely on cookies

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[Next week] Become a master of martech

Tuesday, June 7: Unlock four focused hours of live training and Q&A that will empower you smoothly transition to Google Analytics 4, identify and purchase the right martech for your company, and deliver attribution your CFO will love (with the data you already have).

Choose your Master Class

How to extract value from zero-party data

Learn a set of strategies to encourage your customers to voluntarily deliver data about themselves and their preferences.

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From Search Engine Land

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