NWC Update
Network Computing
November 11, 2023

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The Bottom Line on Upcoming Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) Services
Are the latest NTN developments, led by the FCC and LEO bird owners, milestones on the road to broadened use of satellite services by Enterprise IT?
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Can European Telcos Afford 5G and Broadband?
A group of telcos is pressing the European Commission to have the biggest data users pay their “fair share.” The top U.S. tech content companies are seen as the targets of the effort.
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How IIoT Networks Use SD-WAN: Navigating the Right Path for Sensors
Industrial Internet of Things sensors can use SD-WAN to securely transmit data to improve central management, optimize supply chains, and achieve more robust access control.
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  • Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges In AI

    AI is advancing at a stunning rate, with new tools and use cases being discovered and announced every week, from writing poems all the way through to securing networks. Recent developments in LLM-based engines like ChatGTP and Google’s Bard ...

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QoS in the Era of Pervasive Video and Edge Apps
With the explosion of edge computing and more mission-critical applications like video and telecalls, is it time to revisit your network quality of service? Read More
How Data Center Infrastructures Must Change to Support AI
How are enterprises big and small adapting their data center infrastructure to handle AI workloads? Read More
Getting Aggressive with Cloud Cybersecurity
Cloud cybersecurity should be addressed proactively in order to detect lurking vulnerabilities before threat actors can attack. Here’s what IT leaders need to know to get the upper hand on cloud cybersecurity. Read More
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