The Verge | The mammoth, last-minute deal that will govern the United Kingdom and European Union’s trade relations going forward post-Brexit has been finalized in the nick of time. But some security researchers have noted some puzzling aspects of the deal, including mentions of the defunct, 23-year old Netscape Communicator email software and recommendations of outdated encryption standards.
BetterCloud | There’s a lot of untapped potential in automation—and IT will lead the way in making the most of it. But how? In this guide, we’ll explore some of the less obvious, but extremely powerful ways that you can leverage automation across your SaaS-powered organization.
TechCrunch | Back in August of last year Apple filed a lawsuit against the virtualization software company Corellium, arguing that the product infringed its copyright and later adding claims that Corellium’s product violates the DMCA. While the DMCA claims will still need to be settled in court, a judge in Florida has tossed out Apple’s copyright claims.
Engadget | In a few short days, Google will officially shutdown Cloud Print. We knew this day was coming since 2019, but now that it’s finally here, consider this a friendly reminder. For most people, chances are the shutdown won’t be anything more than a minor inconvenience when they discover Cloud Print is still their default printing option.
How-To Geek | Private mode in Mozilla Firefox keeps your local browsing history private. But, by default, Firefox turns off extensions while browsing privately to prevent them from leaking data. If you’d like to use a trusted extension while browsing privately, it’s easy to turn it on. Here’s how.
Lifehacker | As the new year creeps up, you’re going to want to prepare yourself to continue working in close proximity to where you sleep. Let’s refresh some of the best working from home advice we gathered this year.
SaaSOps Community | Our fearless Community Director Mike Stone took a break from his holiday vacation to ask folks how they'd use a $300 WFH stipend. Click the link above to join the conversation and tell him how to spend his money!
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