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Adam Zyglis

Adam Zyglis is the staff cartoonist for The Buffalo News. His cartoons are internationally syndicated by Cagle Cartoons.
Calculating, Adam Zyglis,The Buffalo News,democrats, candidates, weaknesses, calculating, hillary, clinton, scheming, pandering, white house, presidential, race, elections, primaries, bernie, sanders, delegate math, free trade, agreement, fracking, wall street

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Time's Running Out, Adam Zyglis,The Buffalo News,trump, donald, gop, republican, party, nominee, presidential, election, race, fear, hate, convention, brokered, establishment, conservatives, tea party, right wing Calculating, Adam Zyglis,The Buffalo News,democrats, candidates, weaknesses, calculating, hillary, clinton, scheming, pandering, white house, presidential, race, elections, primaries, bernie, sanders, delegate math, free trade, agreement, fracking, wall street Yosemite dispute, Adam Zyglis,The Buffalo News,Adam Zyglis is The Buffalo News' Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, whose work has appeared in many publications around the world, including The Washington Post, USA Today and The New York Times Trump the Unifier, Adam Zyglis,The Buffalo News,trump, donald, gop, unifier, conservatives, liberals, party, republican, democrat, media, minorities, america, presidential, race, election

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