By Daryl Cagle - Apr 16, 2021 12:34 pm
On Saturday, April 17th, at 2:00pm Eastern time I’ll have my first drop of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) of TEN of my favorite editorial cartoons. I think this will be the first NFT drop by any editorial cartoonist and there is a lot of potential in NFTs for our troubled profession. See my page with the soon-to-drop cartoons at: without prices, prior to the Saturday drop/release date. At 2:00pm Eastern time on Saturday, modest prices will appear (not auctions), in the crypto currency Etherium. I know that’s complex. Each is an edition of ONE, so there will be only ONE NFT of each of any of my cartoons. We’ll see what happens. So here are the cartoons! They were all very widely reprinted in newspapers and were favorites with readers. #1 The first one is one of my most reprinted cartoons. It was the cover of one of our Best Political Cartoons of the Year books and has been used as a magazine illustration lots of times. Here it is on the cover of a national magazine. I didn’t know it was a conservative cartoon when I was drawing it. #2 This cartoon is actually my most reprinted cartoon ever. Some publisher licenses it every month or two. It has been used in lots of education settings, and teachers seem fond of it. #3 This is an oldie that never goes out of style, every time the Republicans lose an election, this cartoon comes back in reprints. #4 I drew this cartoon when I first got my Apple Watch and it seemed to nag me all time. This was just an everyday cartoon, but the NFT experts at wanted me to include a cartoon about tech, so here it is. #5 I drew this one at the time of the Ferguson protests and it was another very widely reprinted one. #6 This one wasn’t wildly popular with editors. I think editors don’t like cartoons about butts or cursing – that said, it is one of my favorites. Politicians talk out of their asses, even if editors don’t want to see it. #7 Readers aren’t much interested in any cartoons about foreign issues, but among the world topics, China bashing is usually the most popular. One of my goals in selecting this batch of cartoons was to have a variety of topics, so I could see how they would perform in NFTs with collectors who are likely have very different interests than readers and newspaper editors. They tend to be wealthy and worldly, and American. #8 I drew this one when California legalized marijuana and I included it because I like it. We’ll see of the sophisticated NFT collectors like to puff the ganja. #9 This one is one of my favorites and was widely reprinted. #10 I drew this one when I was living in Tennessee, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting. The NRA thinks everyone would be safer with a gun, because bad guys would have to watch out, and that was the prevailing attitude I saw in Tennessee. It is nice to be back in California. That’s it! My first NFT drop, and probably the first NFT drop by any editorial cartoonist. Wish me luck, and take a look at my page on Portion after 2:00pm Saturday and we’ll see if these sell. ... Finish reading in browser »