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The Card Trick That Caused A Divorce

By Editor, Daryl Cagle - Apr 22, 2019 08:49 pm

Here’s my buddy, Randy Enos, telling a story from his art school days. See Randy’s editorial cartoon archive here.  –Daryl

I learned a trick when I was a kid, from one of my father’s fellow insurance salesmen who used to pull the trick on some of his clients when stopping by to collect their premiums.

Here’s how it worked. He asked if they had a deck of cards. Then, when the deck was presented, he asked them to pick a card from it. When that was done, he would make a phone call.

He’d say, “Hello, Wizard?” And then, “Will you please tell this woman what card she picked?!” He’d hand the client her phone. She would then be shocked when an ominous voice would intone, “the five of diamonds!Her card!

I’ll reveal how the trick was done toward the end of

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