Combating child poverty in America
How did the expanded Child Tax Credit affect poverty? The 2021 expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) led to a historic reduction in poverty, particularly for children. Sophie Collyer, Bradley Hardy, and Christopher Wimer examine the CTC’s impact across the country.
An enhanced partially refundable CTC. The failure of Congress to renew the 2021 CTC expansions shows that doing so will require compromise. Wendy Edelberg and Melissa S. Kearney offer a proposal which addresses three key concerns from U.S. policymakers.
Delivering nutrition assistance to children. Gaps in child nutrition program coverage and implementation continue to pose challenges for solving childhood hunger. Lauren Bauer, Krista Ruffini, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach discuss lessons from Pandemic EBT that could inform the implementation of a new program.