Trump and the GOP Are Gearing Up to Destroy Our Health Care System Again—Are They Just Destroying Themselves?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

By one count, 22 Republicans say they'll vote no. One more defection kills it.  READ MORE»

Brand Ivanka: Inside the Tangled Empire of the President's Closest Confidante

By Joanna Walters, The Guardian

She has a White House job and a global business empire modeled on her image. But experts warn Ivanka Trump is deep in an ethical danger zone. READ MORE»

Trump's Twisted History: His Presidential Idol Andrew Jackson Paved the Road to the Civil War by Suppressing the Abolitionists

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The president's claim that Jackson would have prevented the war between the states is a fantasy. READ MORE»

The Case for Impeachment at 100 Days

By Jeff Schechtman,

Here's an in-depth look at potential triggers for the 25th Amendment. READ MORE»

Steve Bannon Wrote a Shakespearean Rap Musical, and It Is as Horrifying as You Might Imagine

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Starts off bad, and then gets worse. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Admits He Has No Use for the Constitution

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

President calls the country's founding document "archaic" and "bad for the American people." READ MORE»

'Completely Inept': CNN Pundit Says 'Too Late' for Trump to Save Presidency After Bizarre Civil War Remarks

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Trump's ignorance about American history staggers pundits. READ MORE»

One of the First Ways You Will Experience Climate Change Is Much Scarier Airplane Turbulence

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Fasten your seat belts—it's going to be a bumpier ride. READ MORE»

He Was Tackling the Opioid Crisis Head On: Then Trump Fired Him

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy was making progress on one of society's biggest problems. It didn't matter to Trump. READ MORE»

There Are 3 Major Famines on Our Planet Right Now—Can You Even Name Them? The Media Is Virtually Blacking Out Human Tragedy

By Jack Healey, Huffington Post

Millions of people are facing famine and drought in Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, but how many countries are paying attention?  READ MORE»

Once Upon a Time Mao Was Also Regarded as a Crazy Personality Cult Leader With Nukes

By Michael Sheng, History News Network

Taking a look at our not-so-distant history may be the key to solving the rising tension with North Korea. READ MORE»

Is Trump Turning into a Fascist Dictator, or Is He Just a Typical Reactionary Republican?

By Victoria de Grazia, The Guardian

A historical examination of Hitler and Mussolini’s early days examines how different Trump’s path is from the dictators of the 1930s. READ MORE»

Why Marijuana Stocks Are Sky-High

By Sean Williams, International Business Times

Despite Trump, we are seeing an all-around softening of attitudes toward marijuana, and that's good for the pot business. READ MORE»

Indigenous Youth Took Center Stage at People's Climate March

By Cherri Foytlin, AlterNet

“I am at the climate march to send a message to our government that our generation is here, we are awake." READ MORE»

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