The president’s postelection legal challenges are being laughed out of court.
November 12, 2020
The Case for Prosecuting Trump and His Cronies

How Biden treats his predecessor could determine the fate of American democracy

By Matt Ford


Will Biden Repeat Obama’s Mistakes?Climate activists are worried—and mobilizing to steer the president-elect in a more ambitious direction.By Kate Aronoff
This Is (Probably) Not a Coup D’ÉtatWhile it’s unlikely that Trump will extend his reign by means of any of the strategies he’s deploying, the damage he could do to America is real.By Matt Ford
New York’s Feckless, Scientifically Illiterate Response to the Covid Second Wave There is an astonishing gap between what we know about the virus and the policies Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio are proposing.By Bryce Covert


The Never-Ending Crisis of the Electoral CollegeThe inane system our founders developed to choose the president is an anti-democratic remnant of the slavery era that only benefits the GOP.By Bruce Bartlett
Yaa Gyasi Versus the Identity Trap In “Transcendent Kingdom,” a young Black woman refuses to be defined by other people’s narratives.By Jennifer Wilson


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