Where does the GOP go from here?

The Case for Shutting Down the Republican Party

The rise of Donald Trump presents an opportunity for the party to start afresh.

By Bill Scher

Bernie Sanders Is Not a One-Issue Candidate

Whether he knows it or not, the Vermont senator has laid the groundwork for a vital reimagining of American foreign policy.

By Steven Cohen

How Liberals Tried to Kill the Dream of Single-Payer

Prominent progressives have undercut a cherished policy goal of the left. They’re wrong on both the politics and the economics.

By Adam Gaffney

Taryn Simon’s Floral Politik

At the Gagosian, the artist sets the table with bouquets present during international diplomacy.

By Jillian Steinhauer

Why Is Obama Convinced His Wall Street Reforms Work?

He accuses critics of cynicism, without recognizing that he bears blame.

By David Dayen

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