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CCDS-O certification is nearly complete; get in on this groundbreaking opportunity today!

ACDIS and the CCDS-O certification committee have been busy finalizing the CCDS-O certification exam, and their work is nearly complete. The CCDS-O certification program is set to debut in April with the launch of the credentialing exam in testing centers nationwide.

The exam is 140 questions covering five major content domains:

  • Healthcare regulations, reimbursement, and documentation requirements related to the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting and provider coding and billing
  • Diseases and disease processes, and application to the chart review
  • Risk adjustment models and impact of documentation and coding
  • CDI program concepts: Department metrics and provider education
  • Quality, regulatory, and health initiatives  
The CCDS-O is being developed to accommodate the rapid expansion of outpatient CDI, driven by the growth of Accountable Care Organizations, Medicare Advantage, and care increasingly delivered in outpatient settings. The goal of the CCDS-O program is to develop a mark of excellence for CDI professionals operating in outpatient settings, as well as provide employers with a baseline of competency for existing staff or potential hires.

ACDIS Members save $100 on their examination fee, Learn More Here!

To learn more about CMS-HCCs which comprise a portion of the CCDS-O content outline, download this helpful free guide

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