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HDC 4300
The Emmy Award winning HDC-4300
Sony cameras are winning acclaim at every tier of live production, from the entry level to the elite. Unsurpassed performance, brass-tacks practicality and bedrock reliability have won us intense customer loyalty. And now Sony cameras have earned one more distinction: an Engineering Emmy Award for the HDC-4300.
What the academy said
The worlds first 2/3" 4K three-sensor system incorporated in the Sony HDC-4300 Series Camera supports traditional lens parameters... This revolutionary camera produces exceptional HD & 4K pictures and allows multiple frame rates, including ultra-high rates for superior super slow-motion...

We couldnt have said it better ourselves.
Discover the HDC-4300
Excellence runs in the family
At Sony we dont believe the size of your budget should define the scope of your ambitions. Thats why were committed to providing the best possible performance at every level of live production. And thats exactly what we deliver across our camera family.
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HXC Series
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HDC Series
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