TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 6, 2017

Lax Texas Gun Laws, the NRA and Another Horrendous Deadly Mass Shooting

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The majority of Republican state legislators in Texas are in lockstep with the NRA. READ MORE»

5 Ways O'Reilly and Hard-Right Christians Are Fighting the Imaginary War on Christmas This Year

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

It's not even Thanksgiving yet. READ MORE»

Russian Propaganda on Social Media in 2016 Has Forever Changed How U.S. Candidates Will Campaign

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The genie is out of the bottle. READ MORE»

Demo-Catastrophe: It Was Worse Than We Thought, and Bigger Than Bernie vs. Hillary

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

Donna Brazile’s bombshell may be overstated, but it helps explain the fiasco of 2016—and how we got there. READ MORE»

6 Cities Harmed by Airbnb’s Brand of Gentrification

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Longtime residents are being pushed out of apartments to make way for tourists in the U.S. and Europe. READ MORE»

Chomsky: High College Tuition Is a Blunt Instrument to Keep the Middle Class Down

By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout

"There is no economic reason why free education cannot flourish from schools through colleges and university." READ MORE»

Texas Church Shooter Devin Kelley Had a History of Domestic Violence

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

A familiar pattern is emerging in America's latest mass shooting. READ MORE»

13 Trump Allies and Counting Busted in Explosive 'Paradise Papers' Leak

By Suman Varandani, International Business Times

The White House could have another major scandal on its hands. READ MORE»

'Waiting Is a Mistake' Says Tom Steyer, the Billionaire Pushing Lawmakers to Impeach Trump

By Lauren Gambino, The Guardian

Tom Steyer, a prominent Democratic patron, is running an outspoken ad campaign that’s got the president riled up. READ MORE»

How Fake News Works: Tens of Millions of Americans Would Flunk Any Basic Civics Class

By David Masciotra, Salon

Russian fake news infiltrated our social media feeds, and our own willful ignorance is to blame. READ MORE»

Congressional Cowardice on Wars Has Cost Millions of Lives and the Deadly Wars March On

By Danny Sjursen, Tom Dispatch

War without war powers—the not-so-new American way. READ MORE»

The Media Should View Trump as Entertainer-in-Chief

By Neal Gabler,

The media continue to view Trump through a political lens when an entertainment lens would be more appropriate. READ MORE»

In Rural America, School Choice Poses Agonizing Choices

By Jenny Robinson, AlterNet

Charter schools and vouchers are at the heart of the Trump/DeVos education agenda. But for small towns like Stinesville, Indiana, school choice has come at a huge cost. READ MORE»

To Stop the Opioid Epidemic, the White House Should Embrace Prevention

By M. Dolores Cimini, The Conversation

If you never start using opioids, you're not going to get strung out on them.  READ MORE»

Want to Know What Happens with Large-Scale Tax Cuts? Just Take a Look at Kansas

By Negin Owliaei,

The lessons from Kansas could echo across the country.  READ MORE»

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