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The Clergy’s Credibility Problem

Recently a friend remarked that seminaries need to “offer classes on how not to become a documentary.” Ouch! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He was referencing recent documentaries made about high-profile pastors who’s sinful (and sometimes abusive) behavior has led to their downfall.

My friend was joking but he might be onto something. Recent scandals have disgraced the church and soured the public’s view of Christian leaders. A recent study shows that “Fewer Americans See Pastors as Ethical.” The study reports that “People are more likely to believe in the moral standards held by nurses, police officers, and chiropractors than their religious leaders.” Read more about the study here.

Given this negative perception, it’s difficult to lead with authority—but it’s still essential. Our 28-page resource on the topic helps pastors gain a better understanding of their authority as a leader and equips them with tools to lead with authority in their ministry. Check out Leading with Authority.

Drew Dyck Drew Dyck
Contributing Editor
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