Jun 14, 2024

ClickZ Digest







This week Apple announced it was (finally) going all in on AI, adding a suite of generative AI capabilities to all its operating systems. While not unexpected, Apple’s AI push is an interesting development for two reasons. First, there are signs that some businesses are slowing AI investment because of the cost and a high rate of AI implementation failure. Second, Apple is pushing out AI for consumer use, something many consumers don’t seem to be interested in.






Are you noticing your traffic from Google starting to go down? Algorithm updates in 2024 have shaken traditional SEO. Recent Google algorithm updates are disrupting search engine optimization (SEO), shifting the focus from traditional tactics and long-tail informational queries. Founders and CMOs are now turning to content and community-driven strategies to boost engagement and visibility.






Ben & Jerry’s has launched its first ad campaign in nearly a decade, according to details shared with Marketing Dive. The effort was created in collaboration with agency DCX Growth Accelerator. “Make Some Motherchunkin’ Change!” will run via online and social platforms in the U.S. and select global markets through 2024 with out-of-home elements in New York and Los Angeles. A campaign video calls out issues such as climate change, racial justice and gay pride at a time when brands have pulled back on purpose-driven marketing amid the fear of conservative backlash.






Given that LinkedIn’s parent company Microsoft has invested billions into AI, it’s no surprise to see that LinkedIn is also integrating more and more generative AI features, as it looks to latch onto the next tech wave, and maximize opportunity for members. Today, LinkedIn has outlined its latest collection of AI enhancements, including conversational job search, enhanced job application assistance, new LinkedIn Learning tools, and more. First off, on enhanced job search. LinkedIn Premium subscribers are getting access to a range of new job discovery and application tools, including AI-based job application feedback, enhanced cover letter assistance, and conversational queries to find open roles.






Vanish: Me, My Autism, and I from Vanish and Zenith took Golds in the Advertising—sponsored by Kantar and the CPG/FMCG categories at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA 2024. Here is the award-winning case study. Vanish is about helping clothes live longer, brighter, and stain-free. One community that relies on the longevity of their clothing is the autistic one. A favorite jumper or tee can mean the difference between feeling safe and peaceful and feeling tense and frightened. This is the story of how a media idea made an impact on teenage autism and not only won a million pounds of free media but created a huge multi-channel campaign.








The tradition of diamond engagement rings, now a ubiquitous symbol of love and commitment, owes its prominence to one of the most successful marketing campaigns of the 20th century. This transformation in cultural norms was orchestrated by De Beers, a diamond mining company, through strategic advertising and market manipulation. De Beers' creation of the diamond engagement ring tradition is a landmark case in marketing history. Through a well-crafted advertising campaign, De Beers successfully linked diamonds with love, commitment, and marriage, transforming societal norms and establishing a lucrative, enduring market for their product.








If tomorrow you had to start something new, what route would you go down? What type of business would it be? What assets would you leverage? A listen to the My First Million podcast got us thinking about what we would do if we had to start a digital marketing based business from scratch, and what lessons we've learnt that we could take and implement to help make it a success. Join us for this episode of the Digital Marketing Podcast where we discuss the pros and cons of different types of businesses and what we'd each do if we had to start a new business tomorrow.







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