Jun 27, 2024

ClickZ Digest







Salesforce's AI CEO Clara Shih discusses the transformative impact of generative AI on marketing at the IAB Tech Lab Summit in New York. Shih highlights how new AI tools are revolutionizing ad testing, production, and personalization. For instance, Coca-Cola used GPT-4 and DALL-E for ad creation, while LG Electronics leverages genAI for market-specific ads. Meta's AI advancements have significantly increased user engagement on Instagram Reels. Shih also envisions a future where genAI-powered chatbots enhance personalized customer experiences, potentially integrating commerce directly within AI interactions, blurring the lines between ads, marketing, and customer service.






Discover the trends, winning opportunities and challenges brands will face this year, with data from 1,400+ global B2B and B2C marketers. If you’re anything like me, you wish you had more time and resources to get through your work, ponder game-changing ideas, brush up on digital marketing industry trends, and ultimately give your audiences unforgettable brand experiences.Well, research shows artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming the marketer's ultimate assistant in many of these quests. It’s also one global marketing trend that is evolving our landscape (and competition) faster than ever.






What does it take to build ROI driven ad formats in a crowded digital market? And how can marketing leaders and CMOs use optimized tactics to deliver integrated customer experiences? Find out from our latest martech highlights of the week. There’s a massive opportunity for AI to combine data from across customer touchpoints to drive truly personalized, 1:1 marketing. This is something the industry has been talking about for years, but few have actually delivered on. With AI, every company can have the tools needed to provide personalization across the customer journey for each individual customer, something we’ve come to expect from big companies that have the resources. –Chris Koehler, CMO at Twilio.






Verizon is revamping its brand with a new visual identity and ad campaign, according to a press release, a shakeup accompanied by the rollout of additional perks and programs for subscribers. The telecommunications giant’s logo has been simplified and is now anchored by a lighter red “V” wordmark in a custom Neue Haas Grote font that includes yellow-gold accents underscoring the meaning of the company’s name. Verizon is a portmanteau of veritas, Latin for “truth,” and horizon, signifying a look toward the future.






In the comments on a TikTok of a dog yelping into a pillow, you’ll find Google making calendar jokes. Below a TikTok about NYC ice-cream trucks, you’ll find fashion brand Kenneth Cole commenting that “Mister Softee must be earned. Never tracked.” And in the comments section of a TikTok of influencer Alix Earle dancing and lip-syncing in her pajamas, you’ll find meal-delivery company HelloFresh encouraging her to drop an album. Brand social media accounts taking a more casual, conversational tone isn’t new—Wendy’s has been doing it for the better part of a decade. But increasingly, brands are showing up in the comments sections on TikTok and Instagram, whether the post is about them or not.








I wanted to share a part of my story with you all today – a story about hustle, learning curves, and finally landing that first big client. As some of you might know, Saulderson Media, the influencer marketing agency I run, isn't actually my first business. Believe it or not, the YouTube bug bit me early. Between the ages of 13 and 16, I volunteered for a bunch of YouTube networks in the gaming space. Talk about diving headfirst! Juggling four volunteer roles at once, was intense, but it fuelled my passion for understanding the platform inside and out. This love for the creator economy wasn't just a hobby, though. My first official business venture, Zentro Digital (at the ripe old age of 14 or 15), was a YouTube sub-network modelled after a friend's success with http://Freedom.tm's MCN (Multi-Channel Network). Back then, I partnered with "content grabbers" – creators who churned out high volumes of content – and helped them grow by offering services in exchange for a revenue split on their YouTube ad revenue. Think 60/40 contracts, where our network would get 40% for helping them optimise their channels.








AI isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a game-changer that can revolutionize how your sales and marketing teams operate. In this powerhouse episode, Randy Littleson, CMO of Salesloft, unveils how AI is reshaping the landscape of revenue generation. From transitioning to a multi-product company to integrating cutting-edge technology without sacrificing user experience, Randy lays down precisely how Salesloft thinks about AI. Randy also delves into the human aspect, emphasizing the importance of transparent communication—a lesson he learned during various mergers and acquisitions. especially during mergers and acquisitions, and the need for patience and vision during transformation processes. His real-life anecdotes stressing the need for patience and vision during moments of transformation are a goldmine for any high-achieving revenue leader.







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