Jun 20, 2024

ClickZ Digest







We have one piece of the puzzle people are looking for in the area of personalization,” Diana Lee told me.

Lee is the founder and CEO of Constellation, among other things the tenth fastest-growing women-owned private company, according to Inc 500. In simple terms, Constellation is an agency with a creative platform that makes content scaleable. But simple terms aren’t enough. Constellation’s piece of the puzzle includes aggregating data from an immense range of sources, using it to train industry-specific LLMs (or chatbots).

This means, first, that consumers don’t have to visit countless websites for product information, in effect aggregating it for themselves. And second, personalized messaging becomes personalized at scale.






As Reddit ranks higher in Google searches, its traffic has reportedly grown 39% year-over-year. This growth seems fueled by Reddit’s increased visibility in Google search results. Why is Reddit growing so fast, and what does this mean for businesses and SEO professionals?

Several factors, including Google prioritizing “helpful content” from discussion forums in a recent algorithm update, have likely contributed to Reddit’s improved search rankings and visibility.

A report from Business Insider indicates that more people are now finding Reddit through Google searches than by directly visiting the reddit.com website.






Amazon unveiled an ad-targeting solution called Ad Relevance that does not rely on cookies or other third-party identifiers via a blog post. The news was also announced as part of the company’s presence at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity this week.

Ad Relevance, which is available via Amazon’s demand-side platform, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze billions of browsing, purchasing and streaming data points from across Amazon properties, matching those insights against what content a consumer is viewing in real time.

Years in development, Ad Relevance has already been tested on Amazon’s Audiences, Contextual Targeting and Performance+ offerings. Amazon boasted the product can improve addressability among previously anonymous impressions for advertisers, as well as lower CPMs by as much as 34%.






Content consumption trends are constantly evolving, which keeps marketing teams on their toes.

In order to create content that your audience loves, you have to first understand who your target audience is and where you can find them. From there, you can tailor your content strategy.

To help you prepare your strategies to meet audience needs, I dove deep into our State of Consumer Trends Report to share the top findings on consumer preferences.






“Cannes Lions and Viral Nation are kind of looking at this one as, ‘Let’s kick butt and get as many learnings as we can',” Joe Gagliese, co-CEO and co-founder of Viral Nation, told us.

Lions Creators programming will include presentations, panels, roundtables, and networking events, as well as the Social & Influencer Lions Awards Show, building on years of increased creator participation in the festival, mostly on the brand side. Executives told us that, in response, creators, as well as creator marketers, will be there in higher numbers than ever this year.








We’ve all presented performance metrics and had someone ask us, “Is that good?” And honestly, it can be hard to answer that question. It’s not always simple to put metrics into context and clearly understand how results stack up against other similar businesses.

That’s why we’ve refreshed our guide to marketing benchmarks – specific to the B2B industry and updated for 2024.








Plain and simple? Metrics matter. And the two most important metrics to any marketer may not be what you think they are.

I’m revealing why all marketers need to start paying attention to Blended CAC and CAC by Channel and explaining exactly how it can be a game-changing strategy for any brand.

What do these metrics measure? And how can they help you gauge the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns?







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