Jun 26, 2024

ClickZ Digest







Brands like Mailchimp, Klarna, JPMorgan Chase, and Mars are leveraging AI to enhance their marketing operations, achieving significant efficiencies and creative breakthroughs. Mailchimp uses AI tools like DALL-E and MidJourney to speed up the creative process and personalize messages. Klarna's AI integration has reduced production costs and marketing expenditure. JPMorgan Chase uses AI for high-performing marketing copy, achieving higher click-through rates. Mars employs a tool called ACE to predict ad effectiveness, optimizing campaigns for emotional impact and sales. These brands demonstrate the strategic integration of AI to streamline operations and unlock creative possibilities.






ZoomInfo Achieves First-of-Its-Kind Responsible AI Certification from TrustArcZoomInfo is the first data company to earn TrustArc's AI certification focused on data protection and privacy. This certification addresses growing concerns over AI governance. The TRUSTe Responsible AI Certification incorporates principles from the EU AI Act, NIST AI Risk Management Framework, ISO:42001, and OECD AI Principles. It verifies ZoomInfo's commitment to developing and deploying trustworthy AI. ZoomInfo recently launched ZoomInfo Copilot, an AI-powered platform for sales teams. This certification affirms ZoomInfo's commitment to compliance with evolving AI standards and regulations.






Digital is everything nowadays, and everything is digital. Why then, asks Maani Safa of Poppins, do company structures so often fail to best reflect this? Today’s chief marketing officers (CMO) know that the physical customer journey simply wouldn’t work without its digital counterpart. We use our phones to compare prices and services and to book travel tickets. Even before we do that, according to American Express, 75% of us choose travel destinations influenced by social media. Our phones are integrated into our cars, and we increasingly use AI models, like ChatGPT, for recommendations, and as part of our shopping experience. Our lives are now anchored in digital.






Toys R Us created what it claims is the first brand film to use OpenAI’s new text-to-video tool Sora, per a press release. Sora, which is currently only available to alpha testers, can generate up to one-minute-long videos based on text prompts. The toy retailer’s entertainment production arm, Toys R Us Studios, partnered with creative agency Native Foreign to make a film that tells the story of how founder Charles Lazarus created the brand and its Geoffrey the Giraffe mascot. Sora allowed the content to be produced in just a few weeks, in time to premiere at Cannes Lions, demonstrating how marketers can save time and money using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools.






In a recent exchange, Google’s Search Liaison addressed concerns about using branded keywords in articles. The discussion, which unfolded over several tweets, centered on the impact of mentioning specific brand names in product reviews and other content. Jake Boly, a content creator, initially asked why his articles featuring unique content consistently ranked on pages 3-4 of search results, speculating that it might be due to the presence of branded terms. Taleb Kabbara, an SEO professional, suggested mentioning branded keywords could harm rankings, advising against using terms like “new balance” in review titles. He claimed to have audited numerous sites and observed negative ranking impacts due to such keywords.








For today’s marketers, attention is the ultimate currency — people trade their attention for information, access, rewards or entertainment. But it’s becoming an increasingly scarce commodity: the average human attention span is just eight seconds, less than that of a goldfish. Consumers are bombarded with 3,000+ commercial messages every day. And the impact of social media cannot be overlooked, as brevity-optimized content, rapid context shifting, and addictive feedback loops condition people to be constantly alert while simultaneously scattered in where they direct their attention.








Kipp and Kieran explore the transformative impact of AI on marketing strategies in the latest episode of "Marketing Against The Grain." They discuss how AI is reshaping the marketing landscape, particularly through integrations with HubSpot and other tools. The episode delves into balancing innovative AI approaches with traditional strategies and offers insights into AI-enabled one-to-one marketing. Listeners can learn about leveraging AI to stay competitive and gain access to free AI prompts featured on the show. The episode also highlights various AI tools like Scout, Humantic, SixSense, and Common Room. Tune in for everyday marketing wisdom and join their community for more insights.







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