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The Cocoa Diet
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Clever, Curious, Caring Cat
By Kate Dorsey

The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal — or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.
~Elizabeth Peters

We should have known life with Cocoa would be different when he refused to eat anything but mixed vegetables. Every morning, we had to take frozen vegetables out of the freezer and cook him a plate, or else he would not eat. In our experience, this was unusual behavior for a kitten. None of the other cats had done anything like this. If only we had known what was to come.

You see, Cocoa was a thief. A food thief. Nothing was safe. Thankfully, Cocoa did learn to eat both dry and wet food. The dry food was left out all day. He would stick his head in the bowl as I poured, getting the food on his head as well as in the bowl and on the floor. (Keep reading)

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Pets & More

Helpful tips to help keep your fur babies warm and safe this winter. Terrier wearing sweater and red scarf and standing in snowy outdoors.

It seems that the winter is hitting hard this season - with much of the United States experiencing colder than normal temperatures. If it is too cold for humans to be outside for an extended period, it is probably too cold for our pets as well. Read our Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food blog to help keep your fur babies warm and safe this winter.


What’s Happening

No sweating, no starving… just use your head!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Ways to Think Positive

You’ll find role models and great ideas in these 101 ways to think positive!

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Hope, romance, and miracles.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: All You Need Is Love

101 tales about love at every age!

photo collage of two large dogs and a chihuahua, grey kitten, green parrot, and tan rabbit

A new topic for your submissions! We’ve made plenty of bestselling books about dogs and cats, but what about all your pets? Share your entertaining, amusing, or heartwarming stories about your pets for a new book scheduled for fall of 2025! Click here for more information on how to submit, including writing guidelines and other FAQs. There will be 101 stories, so there are lots of opportunities to become a published author with Chicken Soup for the Soul!