TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 23, 2017

The Spread of White Nationalism Is Taking Our Nation into Uncharted and Dangerous Territory

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Charlottesville and its aftermath are proof that we're in for a resurgence of America's oldest culture war. READ MORE»

It Is Time to Examine the Words and the Origins of Our National Anthem, Another Neo-Confederate Symbol

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

"The Star-Spangled Banner" was lobbied by Southerners into its exalted status. READ MORE»

Is Male Fragility to Blame for Charlottesville Violence?

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Salon talks to author Fiona Helmsley about the role masculinity can play in fueling hateful acts.  READ MORE»

Paid Actors, a Fake Publicist, and Retweeted Bots: How Trump Creates His Own Reality

By Cristina López G., Media Matters

The president used paid actors and a fake publicist and retweeted bots to deceive the public. READ MORE»

Organizers Catch Credit Card Companies Profiting From White Supremacy

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

Online payment companies are complicit in authorizing transactions related to hate groups. READ MORE»

How (Not) to Challenge Racist Violence

By Aviva Chomsky, AlterNet

"Protesters are eager to expend extraordinary energy denouncing small-scale racist actors. But what about the large-scale racist actors?" READ MORE»

10 of the Best Late-Night Show Takedowns of Donald Trump

By Taylor Link, Salon

From Bee to Colbert and from Kimmel to Jefferies, these are the 10 best late-night Trump takes. READ MORE»

Huge Companies Are Already Bleeding the Middle Class Dry—So Why Do We Want to Give Them Tax Cuts?

By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet

Forty years ago, 109 firms earned half of the profits of U.S. public companies. Today it's just 30.  READ MORE»

The Geopolitics of Crazy: How to Avoid War With North Korea

By John Feffer, TomDispatch

Step one: Stop threatening fire and fury from a golf course. READ MORE»

British Spy Christopher Steele Has Given FBI the Names of His Sources for Trump Dossier: Report

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

A recent U.S. court ruling could compel Steele to testify before lawmakers.  READ MORE»

Mark Zuckerberg Might Be the Most Dangerous Presidential Candidate Who Isn't Yet

By Sam Kriss, AlterNet

The Facebook founder knows what's best for us, and what we think doesn't really matter. READ MORE»

Steve Bannon Wants to Wage War on the Republican Party: Will the GOP Be Able to Fight Back?

By Corey Robin, The Guardian

The Trump adviser's ouster threatens the GOP's fragile, fractious coalition. READ MORE»

The Congressional Black Caucus Is Ready to Throw Trump Out on the White House Lawn

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Members are debating an official call for the president's impeachment. READ MORE»

There's a 2-in-3 Chance You Local Gas Station May Be Ripping You Off, Breaking the Law, and Harming Your Community

By Eric Snapper, AlterNet

From faulty hoses to leaky pumps, many U.S. gas stations earn inspection violations. READ MORE»

A Carnivore-Turned-Vegan Author Reveals Cruelty-Free Fast Food Secrets and the Government's Nutritional Lies

By Ariana Blossom, Huffington Post

His wife issued a bet that they both go vegan for 30 days. Five years later, they're both still vegan—and raising vegan babies. READ MORE»

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