Dear John,

I was listening to Jordan Peterson’s book, 12 Rules For Life, and he said something that really resonated with me.

“The difficulty of the task is irrelevant when compared to the consequence of not doing it.” Jordan Peterson

The context of the quote was in the relationships we have. Especially in marriage we tend to not bring up negative issues that our spouse is creating for fear it will offend them, cause hurt, destroy the relationship, etc and the task seems just too difficult. Yet, ignoring them allows them to grow and multiply and the consequence is a failed marriage.

I took a moment to apply that quote to every area of my life and asked myself what tasks am I avoiding because they are “too difficult?” And then I asked myself what is the consequence of not doing it.

Here is what I discovered, and you will as well. When it comes to the big things in life: Our Relationships, Our Dreams, Our Health, Our Work - the difficulty of the task in front of us is irrelevant because the consequence of not doing whatever “It” is, is just too great.

Reflect on this and then - just do “It.”

Choose To Win!



Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306