Plus, satisfaction and frustration with “The Last of Us,” and more…
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February 17, 2023


President Biden, Have I Got a Labor Secretary for You
Biden is the most pro-labor president since Truman. He needs a labor chief who matches his commitment.
by Timothy Noah
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And even if the incumbent is on the ticket unopposed, there’s a world of unnecessary headaches looming.
by Walter Shapiro
It’s past time to ditch the “gentleman’s agreement” whereby the United States gets to choose the World Bank head.
by Kate Aronoff
The imprisoned environmental lawyer is asking the Supreme Court to intervene in a case that may have broad implications for the separation of powers.
by Matt Ford
The most satisfying—and most frustrating—features of HBO’s hit show are the future of TV.
by Phillip Maciak
The activist who is now a leading education policy figure on the right actually matriculated at Harvard Extension School. There’s a difference.
by Daniel Strauss
Conspiracy theorists are jumping on news of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. But the truth is much more simple.
by Prem Thakker

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