Plus, the story behind our freakout about rats, and more...

August 5, 2021
The Cuomo Report and the #MeToo “Reckoning” That Never Really Came
In 2017, would-be Cassandras warned about witch hunts and ruined careers. In 168 pages, New York Attorney General Letitia James captured a sexist American work culture that is as poisonous as ever.
by Esther Wang
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Dithering Democrats have left vulnerable renters in the worst possible place: at the mercy of the Supreme Court.
by Matt Ford
Spencer Ackerman’s new book argues that the forever wars created the conditions for Trump’s rise.
by Patrick Iber
The current panic about urban decay and disorder is classic displacement.
by Liza Featherstone
From the Archives:
An heir to Trumpism, the Florida governor has concealed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and fomented a depraved indifference to human life.
by Jeb Lund


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