Daily Digest

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Four years ago, I had assumed that my parents were complete animal enthusiasts. They came home every night after long shifts at our restaurant seemingly eager to turn on Animal Planet. My mom would call me over to watch, giggling at the frenzied yet astute organization of meerkat manors. My dad would gawk at the ferocious pace of lionesses chasing zebras across the Serengeti. At garage sales, he could never resist bringing home a stack of National Geographic magazines. We’ve housed nearly every animal allowed as a pet by the state of Michigan.

I was obviously wrong.

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Dear subscribers,

Today, we take a look at Hillary Clinton's book tour stop in Ann Arbor Tuesday night. Central Student Government convened Tuesday evening to discuss the renaming of the C.C. Little Building, eventually passing the resolution to support the name change. We also have a Michigan in Color piece that reflects on the intersection of digital technology with one student's experience as the child of Chinese immigrants. Finally, The Statement explores the links between dance performance and body image, while a Personal Statement reflects on the experience of taking photos of the University's smaller sports.

All the best,
The Michigan Daily

Central Student Government passes resolution to support C.C. Little's renaming

Central Student Government convened on Tuesday evening to discuss the renaming of the C.C. Little Building, eventually passing the resolution to support the name change.

Clinton talks fake news, female leadership, future steps for the nation on book tour stop

On Nov. 8, 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election. With opponent — and now-president — Donald Trump receiving 304 electoral votes, and a year's worth of work on her campaign now shattered, Clinton was left wondering, what happened?

Personal Statement: Capturing the small sports

We're all taught at a very young age that great results come from hard work and perseverance. Athleticism has always fascinated me, and it’s safe to say that most of America feels this way, too. We spend hours of our Saturdays glued to the TV watching football games. We stay up late if our teams are playing in different time zones. Sports culture is enormous in the United States, and this rings especially true at the University of Michigan.

Spinning out of control: The balance between performance and body image

“Forty kilograms,” the ballet instructor announces. Silent agreement among faculty and other students is palpable in the studio, albeit the obvious tension. It’s an easy 4 kilograms below the number where the scale’s needle hovers — a sigh escapes, relief fills my chest. I step off and watch the needle bobble back to zero, a number I will never be.

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