Daily Digest


The theme of Tyson’s Wednesday night talk was “cosmic perspective,” which Tyson defined as a view bigger than an individual’s own perspective that offers a humbling but enlightening outlook of one’s place in time and space.

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Dear subscribers,

Yesterday, Neil deGrasse Tyson gave a talk at Hill Auditorium focusing on humans and their place in the universe. Students on campus talked about why they support various presidential candidates. In this week's bside, a look at the organists of the Michigan Theater. From the basketball beat, a column on freshman Moe Wagner's potential for Michigan basketball. And if you've ever wondered what a poem made of Jim Harbaugh tweets would look like, wonder no more.

All the best,

The Michigan Daily

"A Real Toe-Tapper": A poem composed of Jim Harbaugh tweets

The Daily wondered what a poem constructed solely out of Harbaugh’s tweets might look like.

Students talk varying support for presidential candidates

The presidential race began with 23 candidates. Now, only five remain — two Democrats and three Republicans. On campus, students appear to lean toward Sanders, but that is certainly not the only view present.

Lev Facher: Watch out for Moe Wagner

It makes sense that it’s Wagner who has changed Michigan’s team dynamic down the stretch. This type of unbridled enthusiasm and energy is Wagner’s specialty.

Inside the mechanical beast: The organists of the Michigan Theater

Even if organ music never does make a significant resurgence, it still holds real value to the Michigan Theater organists.


Sunday, March 24, 1968
“That Sultry Spring in Ann Arbor”
“It was the second day of spring, and winter-weary residents of Ann Arbor were getting ready to enjoy a well-earned day in the warm sun when…”