Amazon employees share how the company's payroll mistakes related to paid and unpaid leave have affected their lives -- an issue that prompted an internal investigation. The problem could have affected workers at 180 of the company's warehouses, with many of them still to be identified and repaid, Amazon spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said.
Better employee benefits 78% of employees say they're more likely to stay at a job due to the benefits.1 But you don't necessarily need to spend, spend, spend to keep them happy. Read our eBook to learn how to keep staff on your side.
1. Willis Towers Watson, 2018 Employer/Employee Satisfaction Survey, Aug 2018
Companies continue to try out the concept of a four-day workweek, and this article examines the experiences of several businesses that have made this transition.
A Guide to Recruiter/Hiring Manager Relationships Recruiters, build a strategic partnership with your hiring manager to improve the quality of your recruiting workflow. Show them the valuable insights that recruiting brings to the table. Get best practices to define responsibilities for better meetings.
A recent study of office workers, published in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, indicates that the effects of too much sedentary time -- or over-sitting -- may be lessened by standing up and moving for three minutes out of each half hour. Researchers noted that taking 15 steps or more during the break could boost blood sugar control.
Employers can help combat the Great Resignation by offering benefits to support employees' financial stability. A survey by the Society of Human Resource Management and Morgan Stanley at Work indicated that working and unemployed Americans are increasingly interested in benefits addressing retirement savings, safety-net insurance and financial wellness.
Delivering a vision is only the final step of a long process of getting clarity, combining facts and inspiration, and setting a personal example in pursuit of organizational goals and dreams, writes Paul Thornton. "The more time you spend clarifying your thinking, the more confident you will be when presenting your plans," Thornton writes.
Sitting is the new smoking, as we see in our new Health and Wellness section today. This statement unnerved me: “‘Every waking hour spent in sedentary postures (that is, sitting or lying) increases risk for metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.’”
That’s not good.
So I will be moving every 30 minutes today (or as close to that as I can get with the myriad of Monday meetings that crowd the schedule). I see goblet squats and walking lunges happening across my dining room/office area. (FYI, you can do both of these without weights, if you want. Go slow on the down-and-up movement and you'll feel a burn from your body weight.)
What about you? What could you be doing today to move, even just a little? Let me know! And share this with others you think would enjoy it. Have a great week!
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