TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 2, 2017

So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

The Constitution has been hijacked by the NRA. The only solution is full repeal. READ MORE»

Charles Blow: Trump Is Following a Sinister Playbook from the 1960s

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

The president's attacks on Puerto Rico's mayor and NFL protesters are all too familiar. READ MORE»

Gun Stocks Soar Following Massacre in Las Vegas

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The nation may be reeling, but not its arms manufacturers. READ MORE»

11 White Men Over 50 Who Have Committed Mass Murders in the Last Decade

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The Las Vegas shooter was hardly the first, and he won't be the last. READ MORE»

Is the Republican Party on the Brink of All Out Civil War?

By David Smith, The Guardian

The Alabama primary could be a sign of things to come.  READ MORE»

The Las Vegas Massacre Is Officially the Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

Officials report at least 50 dead, with the death toll expected to rise. READ MORE»

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