Plus, the terrorism we face every day, and more...
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May 23, 2023
What Donald Trump Really Means When He Says He Wants “Peace”
He means a world in which Putin is on top and abandoned U.S. allies potentially start arming themselves with nukes. Some “peace.”
by Brynn Tannehill
Trans Prom Is the Reminder This Country Needs
by Melissa Gira Grant
We’re Being Terrorized Every Day—but Not How We Imagined
by Walter Shapiro
Midcentury Modern Furniture Owes Its Popularity to the Welfare State
by Max Holleran
The Democrats Have Already Lost the Debt Ceiling Fight
by Alex Shephard
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From The Ticker:
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Loves Demonizing Drag Queens, Now Defends Drag-Wearing Boyfriend
by Tori Otten
Republicans Want to Take Back Money for Green Jobs—Even From Their Own Districts
by Prem Thakker



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