Plus, the ex-president who cried wolf, and more…
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April 10, 2023
The Conservative Legal Movement Is Basically an Elite Social Club
Why the latest Clarence Thomas revelations are shocking, yet unsurprising
by Matt Ford
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Elissa Slotkin made her bones in foreign policy. Now, the Michigan congresswoman is making gun legislation a centerpiece of her campaign for the upper chamber of Congress.
by Daniel Strauss
Trump’s complaints about his indictment don’t pack the same punch after he has spent his entire political career complaining about “witch hunts.”
by Walter Shapiro
Matthew Dallek’s “Birchers” traces how conspiracy theories went from being a fringe pastime to the right’s defining feature.
by Indigo Olivier
They’ll never successfully impeach him. But so what? Make him a metaphor for every insidious thing the far right has done to this country.
by Michael Tomasky
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From The Ticker:
Even his journo-buddies are up in arms.
by Prem Thakker
The ruling has major implications for classrooms around the country.
by Tori Otten



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