Plus, how the Capitol riot was both extremely goofy and deadly serious, and more...
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January 11, 2021
The Democrats’ Stark, Historic Choice

Disempower the GOP now and preserve democracy, or squander the opportunity and lose the future.

By Osita Nwanevu


Die Laughing at the Capitol The storm on Congress was extremely goofy and deadly serious. Making sense of it will require some dexterity.By Katie McDonough
Why Are Journalists and Surveillance Researchers Helping the FBI to Catch Capitol Rioters? Some civilian investigators are even using facial-recognition technology to identify perpetrators—then reporting them to law enforcement.By Jacob Silverman
Feeling Trump’s Pain The weird therapeutic communion at the root of the Capitol riot.By Chris Lehmann


Stop Comparing the Capitol Riot to Banana Republics. It’s Lazy—and Wrong. Commentators have relied on fallacious allusions to the developing world to explain a problem unique to the United States.By Laura Weiss
The Democrats Keep Recycling Tired Rhetoric Too many politicians mimic JFK and Obama. Can Joe Biden break the mold?By Walter Shapiro
Trump’s Four-Year Drilling Binge Has Done Irreparable Damage Although the recent auction of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling rights flopped, Biden’s team will have a tough time rolling back a strategy designed to survive a Democratic White House.By Nick Martin


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