Plus, the wildfire-displaced and their fight to vote, and more...
October 29, 2020
The Deradicalization of Supreme Court Reform

Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation has won some surprising court-packing converts, but the broader public isn’t behind them—yet.

By Matt Ford


Election Season Is Wildfire Season. These Voters Lost Everything. “With the weight of everything, I still feel the need to vote.”By Julia Thomas
Will Airbnb Do to Small Towns What It Did to New York and Barcelona?The company’s big-city “experiences” were crippled by the pandemic. Now it’s looking to capitalize on the urban flight to rural retreats.By Kate Wagner
Biden’s Health Care Plan Is Somehow Still a MysteryIt’s not that he doesn’t have a plan. It’s just not clear how it would work—and the media hasn’t pressed him on it.By Libby Watson


Don’t Let Miles Taylor Get Away With Being a FraudThe anonymous author of a book against Trump has revealed himself to be a DHS employee. And he’s hoping his new employer, CNN, will help him launder his reputation.By Alex Shephard
Celia Paul Redefines the Artist’s Model When Lucian Freud painted Paul, she felt reduced. When Paul paints her subjects, they are exalted.By Rumaan Alam
What Will the Lincoln Project Do After Trump?The group is thinking about becoming a media company. But can it succeed without its muse?By Alex Shephard


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