Read our best stories of the week | Plus: Senate Republicans Want Your Cleaning Lady to Pay Income Tax, but Not FedEx
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Read our five best stories of the week
May 21, 2022
The Disastrous Legacy of the New Democrats
Clintonites taught their party how to talk about helping people without actually doing it.
by Alex Pareene
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Just 7 percent of the people in Los Angeles’s Echo Park encampment found permanent housing after it was cleared. Almost half are missing. Seven are dead. That’s not a failure of homelessness policy; it’s an example of the system working exactly as intended.
by Tracy Rosenthal
His book may not put forward plausible solutions. Its most important feature is, instead, an air of expertise.
by Andre Pagliarini
Companies that run the electrical grid have long been accused of anti-competitive and abusive practices. Now a massive coalition of 235 organizations is pressuring the Federal Trade Commission to investigate them.
by Kate Aronoff
Dwindling revenues from corporate taxes are beggaring the Treasury, and the GOP doesn’t care.
by Timothy Noah
From the Archives:

Gun control is one of the great pieces of unfinished business for the Democratic Party.

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