How we’re spotting these bullish orders…
In the days leading up to Adobe’s earnings announcement on June 13…

We saw some massive orders pour in on the stock.

I spent most of my time at my ranch – like I do most days…
However, I did grab some calls too. Thinking about it now, I should’ve probably grabbed more…

But that’s not the point.

Point is, the ticker gained nearly $100 a share after the open on Friday.

These are the kinds of moves I’m hoping to see on the earnings stocks I’m watching for this week.

I have 5 tickers on my list right now… including MU, NKE, FDX, and MKC.

Ideally, if we spot some bullish orders pour in on any of the 5 stocks, there’s a high chance we’ll see some worthwhile opportunities to trade.

Now I’m not making any future promises here as trading always comes with risks.

But if you want to see how we’re spotting these bullish orders…

And how we trade them as well, head over here.
'Til the next trade,

Lance Ippolito
Signature Lance Ippolito