The 2-Day Diet: Part-time diet. Full-time results! | Click here to order now!
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It's every dieter's dream come true …
The 2-Day Diet
Never go through a calorie-counting, cheese-forgoing, kale-chomping nightmare again! Now you can learn how to slim down by dieting only 2 days a week.

Discovered during a series of medical trials in Great Britain and then confirmed by Prevention's own study, The 2-Day Diet can help you lose more pounds, more inches, more body fat, and more belly fat than you would on many traditional weight loss plans.

Seriously! By dieting just 2 days a week, our test panelists lost nearly twice as many pounds as those following a strict diet every single day of the week.

This could be your path to the body you've always wanted (finally!), but maybe you're hesitant to give it a shot. We get it. Every time you've signed on for a diet, you've slipped up ... and given up.

But what's great — no, what's fantastic — about The 2-Day Diet is that you get 5 days a week to eat what you want with no fear that you'll slip up and ruin your progress. That's because unlike outrageous diets that drastically restrict your food choices, portion sizes, and lifestyle, The 2-Day Diet allows you to eat whatever you want most of the time.

And you can still lose weight! Diane, Michelle, Kim, and Luis from our test panel all lost body fat and inches plus improved their health. Read their stories here.

Here's how it works: Two days a week, you'll cut out a handful of foods (that you know aren't helping you) and follow the plan detailed in The 2-Day Diet. The book includes the science behind this breakthrough method, plus tons of yummy recipes for fast and easy meals that you can use on your diet days. On your 5 nondiet days, you can eat what you want. That's it! It's that simple.

Let's review: Five out of 7 days of the week, if you're craving French fries, you can eat French fries. If the chocolate chip cookies in the office kitchen are calling your name, you can have one. It's okay. You won't be forced to awkwardly turn down any home-cooked meals due to your diet restrictions. You don't have to quiz any waiters about menu items. And you won't need to cook separate meals for yourself and your family.

It may sound crazy, but it may very well be the sanest diet out there. Instead of agonizing over every bite you take every day, every hour, every minute, you can tackle your weight loss goals within realistic guidelines — and enjoy the journey.

Learn how to trim down and boost your health in just 2 days a week with The 2-Day Diet.

A typical person following the plan described in The 2-Day Diet should expect a safe and healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week. Two of the women featured in this promotion are employees of Rodale Inc. Participation on the panel was voluntary, and no panelist was compensated for his/her participation.

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