Plus: pharmacists can order COVID-19 tests; low energy diets; weight loss apps; exercise and glucose levels
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June 9, 2020 : DCMS #505

DISASTERS AVERTED — Near Miss Case Studies

Exercise Not Guaranteed to Lower Blood Glucose

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News & Research

The Effect of HbA1c Variability on Cardiovascular Disease

Mobile Apps Can Assist with Weight Loss

Low Energy Diets for People with T2DM
Letter from the Editor

As a listener of NPR, I often hear a commercial for Noom, an app based weight-loss program that is based on physiology and psychology. I did a little research and found that they have you list your food or scan labels and grade your choices with red, yellow or green codes. The more green you eat the better you weight loss chances are. This is similar to what Weight Watchers does with their points system and yesterday I even found an app for Keto diets that allows you to scan food labels and record your habits.

All of these programs can be successful, and now many of them add brain exercises or activities to address the psychological side of weight loss. Even with this added A-I like feature, people grow tired of these apps and return to their old habits.

This week our intern, Antonio Bess from the FAMU College of Pharmacy, has a great article looking into how you can maximize these apps for your diabetes patients, and how you can keep participation from declining over time.


We can make a difference!


Dave Joffe


Doctor's Option lab test products include rapid tests and CLIA certified fingerstick lab tests.

Rapid tests offer immediate test results to provide doctors with point of care test results in as little as 90 seconds.

Fingerstick lab tests provide CLIA certified lab accurate results. Each fingerstick lab test collection kit comes with a prepaid postage return envelope and everything you need to obtain and collect your fingerstick blood sample in a 510K FDA approved device.

Fingerstick lab tests are great for people who want to monitor their blood sugar, cholesterol, lipids and other important bio-markers at home or on the go.

Visit Doctor's Option

Newsflash: Pharmacists in every state can order and administer COVID-19 tests. 

DISASTERS AVERTED — Near Miss Case Studies

Exercise Not Guaranteed to Lower Blood Glucose
John, a gentleman in his 70's who has diabetes, always visited my group after he exercised.

I noticed he always had something (hard candy) in his mouth and he seemed tired. I asked him why he was doing this candy thing. He said, "After exercise I like to refresh my breath, and want to make sure I prevent a low blood sugar...."

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News and Research

The Effect of HbA1c Variability on Cardiovascular Disease
The new HbA1c variability score (HVS) allows HbA1c variability to be more easily and consistently studied.
Mobile Apps Can Assist with Weight Loss
Weight loss apps are new, so features that promote adherence and have the greatest effect are still being discovered.
Low Energy Diets for People with T2DM
How effective are low energy diets, in which calories are strictly limited, for weight loss, glycemic control, and reducing insulin burden?


#1 Why CGM?

#2 Did You Know? Metformin, along with dozens of drugs, may have promise against COVID-19

#3 Prediabetes Equals Diabetes
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Steve and Dave
Diabetes In Control
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Ewing, NJ, 08628
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