Read our five best stories of the week
May 22, 2021
Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh Will Get Their Chance to End Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court’s most recent additions, like their conservative brethren, are no friends to abortion rights.

by Matt Ford



A collection of well-funded UFO obsessives are using their Capitol Hill connections to launder some outré, and potentially dangerous, ideas.

by Jason Colavito

A quiet split is brewing in the party: Is “better” enough, or is stretching toward a truly accessible, public program the goal? Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden have taken sides.

by Bryce Covert
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From the Vietnam War to the present, how aggrieved men cast themselves as a discriminated-against minority

by Chris Lehmann

The IEA was founded by Henry Kissinger. It’s not run by radicals.

by Kate Aronoff


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