Good morning, Marketer, may the wind always be at your back and the sun never in your eyes.

Here’s why I’m in awe of event marketers: For the first 11 years of my daughter’s life I was in charge of the birthday parties and I could barely handle the stress. Would enough people show up? Did I get the right food? Would they enjoy the games? Would the weather cooperate?

Fear of disappointing my darling child/customer haunted me. I was so happy when she took over the entire thing. Now doing this for thousands of people, with very serious money on the line? OMG. I’m sweating just thinking about it. 

So, to help all of you who do this day in and day out, we present our list of event marketing experts to follow. They are know-it-alls in the absolute best sense of the word. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor


MarTech’s event marketing experts to follow

Here are the top event marketing experts to follow to stay on top of all the best practices and latest developments in the field.

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Don’t apply wishful thinking to your data

Good data can be used to generate bad insights if users don't guard against bias and adopt sound measurement techniques.

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How to define your marketing organization’s rules of engagement

High-performing marketing organizations have clear, actionable principles for how they will and won't operate. Here’s how to define yours.

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How integrating two important systems can unlock accurate syndication of data

Whether selling to businesses or direct to consumers, buyers need access to various types of product content – emotionally driven visual assets and objective information. In our upcoming webinar we will explore how to organize different types of content to create a 360-degree view of your product’s digital representation.

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Customer journey orchestration: What it is and why marketers should care

CJO is essential to creating seamless customer experiences across all touchpoints. Here's what you need to know.

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Digimind’s new product combines two AI engines to monitor and analyze social media

Digimind's AI sense monitors multiple channels for key events. ChatGPT then produces a real-time analysis in plain English.

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It’s time to get started on the transition to Google Analytics 4

Don’t wait until the last minute! Download this guide and start preparing now to ensure that your website is ready.

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How to mine data from digital events

Third Door Media’s Marc Sirkin shows how online events can yield valuable data to boost marketing and drive sales.

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