Technology of the Year 2017: The best hardware, software, and cloud services

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InfoWorld Security Report

Feb 16, 2017
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The evolution of (and solution to) ransomware

Ransomware has become the scourge of the internet 28 years after it first appeared. Here's how to prevent infection and recover if you're hit Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Technology of the Year 2017: The best hardware, software, and cloud services
Identify and escape: A two-part ransomware plan
Windows Update issues may be at root of February's patch delay
Should security pros get special H-1B visa consideration?
A.I. faces hype, skepticism at RSA cybersecurity show

White Paper: SureID

Outside Threats Can Get Inside

Outsiders will never stop trying to get inside to do harm. Take an important step to make sure you're only giving access to people who should have it. Read More

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Technology of the Year 2017: The best hardware, software, and cloud services

InfoWorld's 2017 Technology of the Year Award winners recognize the best tools and technologies for developers, IT pros, and businesses Read More

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Identify and escape: A two-part ransomware plan

Watch a PC intentionally get infected with the Locky ransomware, then learn how to get your files back without having to pay the ransom Read More

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Windows Update issues may be at root of February's patch delay

Patch management expert rejects single-broken-fix theory Read More

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Should security pros get special H-1B visa consideration?

Only 0.3 percent of H-1B visas were issued to information security analysts Read More

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A.I. faces hype, skepticism at RSA cybersecurity show

RSA's CTO is warning customers to be careful when buying products marketed as machine-learning Read More

White Paper: SureID

Protecting Against Hackers Inside

Recently disclosed high-profile hacks against the Democratic National Committee, the New York Times and Yahoo! have drawn increased attention on attempts by outside malicious actors to disrupt crucial business processes. Read More

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