TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 17, 2017

The President Continues to Be Terrible at Everything: 5 Frightening Examples of Trump's Incompetence in Just the Last 72 Hours

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

It is not hard to imagine how much worse things will be when Trump meets with all those foreign leaders. READ MORE»

The Climate Crisis May Be Taking a Toll on Your Mental Health

By Lorraine Chow, AlterNet

People around the world are suffering from ecoanxiety, a feeling of impending environmental doom. READ MORE»

Chomsky: The Economic Facts of American Life in the 21st Century

By Noam Chomsky, Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, Jared P. Scott, Seven Stories Press,

Chomsky looks at the 10 principles of concentration and power at work in America today. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Catastrophic Presidency Offers More Proof That Racism and Sexism Are Destroying America

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

This week's Russian revelations are part of a larger pattern: Toxic white male identity politics brought us here. READ MORE»

Tens of Thousands of Public Servants Still Jailed by Turkey's Repressive Erdogan As He Meets With Trump

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Hunger strikers against the authoritarian regime want their jobs back. READ MORE»

What History Can Tell Us About the Dangers of Fake News

By Ingrid Anderson, The Conversation

It's not new, and it got Leo Frank lynched in 1915. READ MORE»

CIA Documents Expose the Failed Torture Methods Used on Guantanamo's Most Famous Detainee

By Ken Klippenstein, Joseph Hickman, AlterNet

Repeatedly waterboarded and confined in a small box, Zubaydah failed to provide any information of value.  READ MORE»

How U.S. Military Bases Back Dictators, Autocrats, and Military Regimes Across the Globe

By David Vine, TomDispatch

The U.S. has military bases in at least 45 less-than-democratic countries. READ MORE»

Trump Becoming 'Sour and Dark' as He Turns Against Son-in-Law Jared Kushner: Report

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

Not even his family can calm him down. READ MORE»

Unbelievable: The Extreme 'Freedom Caucus' in Texas Kills More Than 100 Bills—Why? Because the Other Republicans Aren't Conservative Enough

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

The extreme right in Texan statehouse stages Mother's Day tantrum over the defeat of a handful of its own bills. READ MORE»

Impeach Trump? Transcript Will Tell Whether President Blabbed Secrets to Russians

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

Republicans and Democrats acting together must protect the nation from this incompetent and dangerous executive. READ MORE»

Can Black Celebrities Shake America out of Its Racial Justice Slumber?

By Syreeta McFadden, The Guardian

African American stars are using their large platform to demand equal protection of black life in America—just as their forbears did. READ MORE»

Trump's Mad Dash to the Middle East Is a Preview of the Chaos He Is Unleashing There

By Robert Fisk, The Independent

Trump will be able to ask Netanyahu for help against Isis without—presumably—realizing that Israel has never—ever—bombed Isis in Syria. READ MORE»

Recent Poll Shows NFL Players Are Increasingly Concerned About Opioid Use and Addiction

By Kelly Flowers, AlterNet

They're fervently anti-marijuana, but league doctors are encouraging opioid use.  READ MORE»

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