Jul 14, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where the left hopes to see America take a Marxist turn. Talk about a racist ideology, Jarrett Steman writes. It’s Bastille Day, which prompts Joe Loconte to remind us what’s wrong with certain revolutions. On the podcast, Heritage Foundation scholar Lindsey Burke appraises the new look of “back to school.”  Plus: the coronavirus surge in California; the left’s attack on Goya’s CEO; and defending the goodness of America. On this date in 1968, Atlanta Braves outfielder Hank Aaron hammers his 500th home run in a 4-2 win over the San Francisco Giants on his way to breaking Babe Ruth’s career record six years later.

By Jarrett Stepman

Though Marx and Engels are perhaps most known for their ideas about class conflict and revolution, they both dabbled in theories—increasingly popular at the time—about race and racial hierarchies.
By Joseph Loconte

In his “Reflections on the Revolution in France,” Burke warned of political revolutions that despise everything that came before them: “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.”
By Rachel del Guidice

“The absolute best thing that we could do right now would be to give families control over the money that is being spent on schools they cannot physically enter,” says Lindsey Burke, director of the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation.
By Neil Patel

American injustices did not end with the Civil War and abolition. Think about how a black man who fought for our country in World War II only to return and not be allowed in a restaurant or coffee shop would feel.
By Tony Perkins

As Americans, we can't afford to be passive about this leftist revolutionary agenda. Fortunately, there are men of conviction such as Robert Unanue who refuse to bend to the angry fringe.
By Kevin Pham

California has been cautious in reopening and has maintained many of its mitigation measures. When Texas was well into its third phase of reopening, California had only begun moving into its second, yet is seeing a similar surge in cases.

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