Plus, the roots of California's fires, a preview of tonight's VP debate, and more...
October 7, 2020
The Final Message of a Dying Campaign

With his poll numbers collapsing, Donald Trump keeps adopting dumber and more destructive political messages.

By Alex Shephard


Is California Doomed to Keep Burning? Years of unchecked development and bad climate policy have set the state on fire. Where do we go from here?Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Chaos Engulfs White House as Trump Learns That the Coronavirus is ContagiousIf only someone had warned the president that he should actually take the Covid-19 pandemic seriously.By Libby Watson
Why Trump’s Experimental Covid-19 Treatment Could Be Bad News for Everyone Else Even if it’s working for the president, the ripple effects could harm the pandemic response down the line.By Melody Schreiber
Our President Is Literally Toxic Will political rhetoric ever recover from Donald Trump’s habit of rendering plain all of the metaphors used to describe him?By Timothy Noah


Imagining the Post-Trump Internet The idea that social media platforms need to be made civilly or even criminally liable for harmful content appears to be gaining ground in Congress.By Melissa Gira Grant
How the EPA Is Screwing Oklahoma’s Tribes The unholy alliance Senator Inhofe has forged between the agency, the state, and oil drillers is designed to skirt tribal sovereignty.By Nick Martin


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