Dear Friends,

With so many new readers being introduced to DailyOM, it came into my awareness that many of you are unfamiliar with the DailyOM books we have available. Today I would like to make you familiar with my first book, DailyOM: Inspirational Thoughts for a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling Day. I was honored and privileged to publish this book with Louise Hay's publishing company, Hay House.

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Inspirational Thoughts is a collection of my favorite DailyOM stories from over the years compiled into a sweet paperback book of 300 pages. Readers who have been around a long time will recognize our old bamboo logo on the cover. People write to me all the time to tell me how they read the book, such as randomly opening to a page and seeing if there is a message they need to hear that day. I also hear about where they keep their book, with many people keeping it by their bedside and reading a story first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Then there are those who tell me to whom they have given the book and why. I love all of your personal stories about what the book means to you and how you apply it to your own life.

If you missed our special last week, we have extended the special price on my 4 CD Guided Meditation Gift Set. The CDs contain guided meditations that I wrote and recorded all set to relaxing music. We all need tools and assistance to stay centered, relaxed, and to keep to the path that is right for us, and it is truly my honor to be of service to humanity during this time of shifting and expansion. Remember to breathe and hug the ones you love.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Gift Shop



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