The Fourth Turning: Ghost Towns, Murder & Insanity Abound  
John Rubino and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return as guests the week on the radio program.

Democratic-party-backed groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa violently install chaos in major Democrat run cities in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. Constitution. As iconic stores like New York City's Fifth Avenue lie in waste, boarded up, and as the rich flee to save their lives and wealth from certain confiscation, what will remain of America’s cities? More to the point, as countless trillions of dollars are printed by the Fed in this Fourth Turning, what will be left of the dollar and by extension the entire American landscape?

We will seek John’s views on these topics and what that will mean for key markets. Gold of course retains its value against debased currencies. But will a Democrat victory in November and an emerging Marxist government allow us to keep any of the wealth we have been blessed to receive? In the hope private property will still be allowed, we look forward to Quinton's latest update on Irving Resources.  
John Rubino -new
John Rubino runs the popular financial website He is co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops, and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), The Collapse of the Dollar (also with James Turk), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street(Morrow, 1998). After earning a Finance MBA from New York University, he spent the 1980s on Wall Street, as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990s he was a featured columnist with and a frequent contributor to Individual Investor, Online Investor, and Consumers Digest, among many other publications.  
Dr. Quinton Hennigh is an economic geologist with 25 years of exploration experience, mainly gold related. Early in his career, he explored for major mining firms including Homestake Mining Company, Newcrest Mining Ltd and Newmont Mining Corporation. Dr. Hennigh joined the junior mining sector in 2007 and has been involved with a number of Canadian listed gold companies including Gold Canyon Resources where he led exploration at the Springpole alkaline gold project near Red Lake Ontario, a 5 million ounce gold asset that was recently sold. In 2010, Dr. Hennigh helped start Novo Resources and began assembling its Australian exploration portfolio. Dr. Hennigh obtained a Ph.D. in Geology/Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. Currently is also a Director for Miramont Resources, Irving Resources and Technical Advisor for Lion One Metals.
Jay Taylor
Taylor Hard Money Advisors, Inc