MORE GIVE. LESS TAX. The guide every adviser needs to read.

With June 30 almost here, there’s still time to talk to your clients about how they can give through tax effective structures. And you can prepare for those discussions now by simply downloading MORE GIVE. LESS TAX.

This free guide has been specifically created for advisers who want to get a better understanding of structured giving and the tax benefits that it could deliver to clients. In this guide you will learn about different giving structures and the pros and cons of each. There are also stories that show how philanthropy may provide an opportunity for your clients to create greater connection with the causes they support. If you want to understand the motives that drive your clients’ decisions to give, and you want to see how you can bring philanthropy into client discussions, this guide is for you.

Elston Philanthropic Services also gives you the opportunity to attend workshops where you can learn more about philanthropy and the simple strategies that make it easier for you to bring giving and legacy into the discussion. To learn more about Elston Philanthropic Services, visit our website.  

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