Help put an end to disinformation

Free Press Action

Friend — Fed up.

That’s how I’d describe the sentiment of all of us who have been fighting for years to stop the digital disinformation that divides us, hurts our families, threatens our democracy and exhausts our health-care workers.

And in the age of COVID-19, disinformation doesn’t just divide us — it can have real life-and-death consequences. That’s why right now, our team is preparing a sophisticated multi-pronged approach to effectively fight disinformation on multiple fronts in the weeks and months ahead.

To kick off our efforts, every dollar you give to fund our fight will be DOUBLED between now and Oct. 31.

Free Press Action has been leading the charge to stop the spread of disinformation online and off from before the Trump era to today.

This is a defining battle of our times and we need your help to stop the spread and influence of propaganda and lies. Your gift will help us to:

  • Root out racist and anti-democratic conspiracy theories ahead of the midterm election cycle. The Jan. 6 insurrection laid bare just how much of a threat racist and anti-democratic propaganda can pose to our democracy and our lives. Free Press Action is fighting to disrupt disinformation campaigns that threaten the integrity of our electoral process. We’re also building robust access to accurate news and information to support a more informed electorate.
  • Hold elected leaders and corporations accountable. A few bad actors with a bully pulpit and microphone can inflict tremendous damage by spreading and amplifying disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, election integrity and more. Social-media platforms that choose profits over protecting their users often amplify disinformation that has dangerous real-world consequences. Free Press Action believes that social-media companies should hold powerful politicians to the same standards as the rest of us, and we’ve been pushing Facebook and other platforms to stop allowing the powerful to spread lies and racism.
  • Revitalize local journalism. When local independent journalism is dismantled, disinformation spreads even more rapidly — which is why it’s vital that we revive independent community-based journalism across the country.

Look, disinformation is not just about the blatant lies you see on Facebook or YouTube.

It’s far more serious: Disinformation makes it harder for people to engage in our democratic process. It disenfranchises voters, makes it harder to achieve progress against the pandemic, enshrines racist inequities in our society and deeply divides our communities. Disinformation is a threat to our basic rights, significantly hinders our ability to connect with each other on crucial issues, and puts our health and lives at risk.

Will you donate today to fund the fight against disinformation and hate — and double your impact now?

We need you with us.

Thank you so much,

Campaign Manager
Free Press Action

P.S. Remember — your donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to a total of $10,000, but only through Oct. 31. After witnessing another spike of COVID-19 driven in part by disinformation about vaccines, horse dewormers and more, we are utterly fed up. And we know you are too. Donate now to double your impact and help us fight with everything we’ve got between now and the 2022 midterms to ensure that people have access to accurate news and information that supports our democratic ideals. Thank you so much for your support.

Photo: The National Guard

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