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Elon Musk is a busy man. From making humans a multi-planetary species to linking the brain to artificial intelligence, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX has a lot of balls in the air. We’re tracking all his projects to see what’s on schedule and what’s falling behind. Particularly important is the Gigafactory, the mammoth battery factory Musk is racing to finish in the Nevada desert before China swamps the market.—Katie Robertson


Russia probe

President Trump’s lawyers will postpone filing a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department—a bid to stop antagonizing Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating ties between the president’s campaign and Russian officials. Trump has also begun to refrain from publicly criticizing Mueller as part of his legal team’s approach. 

Here are today's top stories...

Central bankers tell the world borrowing costs are headed higherand markets had better get used to it. But there remains the challenge of following through with rate hikes after a decade of easy money, as highlighted by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi on Tuesday. Markets whipsawed as Eurosystem officials walked back his comments, which investors had interpreted as signaling an imminent change in monetary policy.


Trump attacks the “AmazonWashingtonPost” over taxes. The president’s Wednesday morning tweet is his latest attempt to cast Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s ownership of the Washington Post in a nefarious light. The story that seems most likely to irk him is a piece exploring why his golf clubs display a phony Time magazine cover. While it’s hard to parse his tweet for specific meaning, it’s likely Trump is resurfacing a criticism made about Amazon’s tax practices in the past.


Say goodbye to your desk as you know it. The desk of the future is sit-or-stand, and outfitted with sensors that learn your habits and preferences through constant vigilance. The office furniture will monitor your every move—and alert your boss when you no longer need a permanent workspace.


America’s aircraft carriers could become obsolete. Trump has repeatedly said he wants the U.S. Navy to expand, including a fleet of a dozen aircraft carriers. However, modern missiles make them vulnerable, a $13 billion price tag makes them expensive, and new technology may make them unnecessary.


The world’s most expensive places to visit. Miami and Reykjavik are among the top five most expensive destinations, according to Bloomberg’s World Airbnb Cost Index. An Airbnb-to-hotel pricing comparison also found Miami has the smallest price advantage among U.S. cities.


the new crowd

While Rolls-Royce may not strike you as a spry brand, the average buyer is a decade or so younger than those at other luxury brands. The global average age of customers is 45, down from 56 seven years ago, according to Rolls-Royce CEO Torsten Müller-Ötvös, who says buyers are increasingly self-made rather than spending inherited wealth.


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