Plus: low carb diets; oral insulin
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Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020 : Issue #1069

SPECIAL FEATURE - AI & the Future of Diabetes Management

Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool Optimizes Care for T2D Patients
- Part 1 in a three part series

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News & Research

Low Carbohydrate Diets the Future for Weight Loss in Obesity

The Promising Future of Oral Insulin
Letter from the Editor

If you pick up any technology related medical journal or magazine, you can’t go more than a dozen pages before you find the first article or study about the use of AI (artificial intelligence). It seems that almost every medical specialty is taking advantage of the billions of split second evaluations that technology can make on behalf of medical professionals for their patients. AI can do everything for us if we give the technology a chance. A good example of this use of AI is the ability of insulin pumps to predict blood glucose 2 to 3 hours ahead, and adjust insulin accordingly.

This week, we are going to begin our presentation on the use of AI and the future of diabetes management. This is not a pie in the sky study; this is a real world look at a real program that incorporates the best care possible with realistic goals and medicine combinations, and even looks at what is covered on any person’s insurance and their financial standing to make sure they can adhere to the recommended medication and food regimens.

Click here to see Part 1 of the future of managing diabetes.

Note: "The Future of Type 2 Diabetes Management and The Changing Roles of Healthcare Professionals," will be presented in three parts. The series is about how a team of physicians and pharmacists at St. Elizabeth Healthcare in Kentucky uses artificial intelligence to improve treatment, adherence, and cost savings for both Medicaid and Americans, and to get the patient to goal in a shorter period.


We can make a difference!


Dave Joffe


SPECIAL FEATURE: AI & the Future of Diabetes Management

Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool Optimizes Care for T2D Patients
A new clinical software using artificial intelligence is being used for those with type 2 diabetes in Kentucky. It shows promising results in improving the Quality of Life for its residents and lowering treatment costs. This feature will be a 3-part series. 

In Part 1:  Adherence-related issues are hemorrhaging the costs of diabetes-related treatment in America. To offset this tragedy, GlucosePATH is utilized by a team of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life while decreasing avoidable costs.  

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News and Research

Low Carbohydrate Diets the Future for Weight Loss in Obesity
Is a very low carbohydrate diet (VLCD) superior to an essential carbohydrate/low-fat diet (LFD) for improving body mass and insulin sensitivity?
The Promising Future of Oral Insulin
Have the challenges of creating an effective oral insulin finally been overcome?


#1 Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

#2 A New Way to Potentiate Beta-Cell Regeneration

#3 Possible Link Connecting COVID-19 and New-Onset Diabetes
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Your Friends in Diabetes Care
Steve and Dave
Diabetes In Control
810 Bear Tavern Road Suite 102
Ewing, NJ, 08628
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