The Gang of Weasels Just Lost Another Conflict!
Bob Moriarty, Michael Hudson and Chen Lin are this week’s guests.

As global income distribution has been redistributed from the poor and middle class to the top 1/10th of the 1% more dramatically than at any time since the 1920s, extremely rich powerful members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have, according to Bob Moriarty, been engaging in never ending propaganda campaigns out of hysteria to deceive masses of people from believing their own eyes. Aiding the WEF in propaganda campaigns is a mainstream media that is equally out of touch with an increasingly impoverished citizenry that Hillary Clinton labeled the “deplorables.”

Bob explains the reason for such mass hysteria from the practitioners of modern Bernaysian propaganda is that the WEF “Gang of Weasels” is starting to realize that the “deplorable masses” are not happy with the notion espoused by the WEF’s plans for 99% of the world’s population. That plan was stated by Klaus Schwab’s infamous declaration that “you will own nothing and you will be happy!” at Davos in January 2021. In his March 7 essay at, Bob concluded by suggesting that the real reason for an abundance of hysterical propaganda is that the “Gang of Weasels” understands that they are “losing big time” as citizens are beginning to realize that freedom is not free and it must be paid for as demonstrated by the Canadian truck drivers.

Given that truism, we look forward to Michael Hudson’s update on Hannan Metals’ world class sedimentary hosted silver-copper exploration project in Peru. And Chen Lin will update us on a couple of his favorite biotech stories.
Robert Moriarty was born in New York in 1946. He began training as a military pilot in 1965 and became the youngest Naval Aviator during the Vietnam War in 1966. With two years in Vietnam and some 832 missions in combat, he left the Marine Corps in 1970. He worked in computers for a few years before beginning a 2nd career as a ferry pilot delivering small airplanes all over the world. He made over 240 ocean crossings mostly in single engine airplanes. He holds 14 international aviation records.

Bob and Barb Moriarty brought to the Internet in 2012. They later added to cover oil, natural gas, gasoline, coal, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Both sites feature articles, editorial opinions, pricing figures and updates on current events affecting both sectors.
Michael Hudson is Director, CEO and Chairman of Hannan Metals. For the past 28 years he has developed and financed mineral exploration properties worldwide. He graduated from the Univ. of Melbourne in 1990 with a B.Sc. (Hons 1st) in Geology and received the Tolhurst Noall Prize for “Mining Investment Analysis” in Victoria, Australia for the FINSIA Graduate Diploma. He started his career in 1990 with Pasminco Ltd, the largest global integrated zinc producer during the 90’s, and spent ten years working with zinc-lead projects worldwide from exploration to pre-feasibility projects in Pakistan, Australia and Peru. He has raised over US$100M for primarily European focused exploration and project development in Finland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Ireland. Since 2004 he has headed Mawson Resources Ltd as founding Chairman, CEO and Director. He is also a founder and Chairman of Leading Edge Materials, a critical metals company in Sweden and a director of Hydro66 Holdings Corp.
Chen Lin had been a doctoral candidate in aeronautical engineering at Princeton. However, Chen found his investment strategies were so profitable that he put his Ph.D. on the back burner to devote full time to private investing and writing a newsletter titled “What is Chen Buying? What is Chen Selling?” Chen's track record has been phenomenal! In one account we tracked, in which he used no leverage, he was able to grow $5,411 starting in 2002 to over $2.2 million by the end of 2012. You can visit his website at
Jay Taylor
Taylor Hard Money Advisors, Inc