Plus, how bears on the beach face climate disaster, and more...

July 16, 2021
The Generals Won’t Save Democracy
Reporting revealing that top military officials were prepared to resign to defy Trump shouldn’t make us feel better about the the state of U.S. institutions.
by Alex Shephard


The new FTC commissioner has the authority, instincts, and acumen to meaningfully rein in the power of companies like Facebook and Amazon. That’s why they hate her.
by Jacob Silverman
Landlords claiming extreme hardship are blaming eviction moratoriums for their troubles. These are misdirections we have to reject while rebuilding from the pandemic.
by Clio Chang
Support Our Journalists
Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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Watching ABC’s video of a mother and cubs at Lake Tahoe, it’s easy to forget that this isn’t a family outing but a scene of desperation: The bears are seeking relief from the extreme heat.
by Eleanor Cummins
Members of Congress aren’t allowed to spend leadership PAC funds on their own campaigns. But wouldn’t you know it: They’ve found a way.
by Jeff Burdick


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